Pest Control Treatments
At Angeles Pest Control, our goal is to control your insects with as minimal amount of chemical that is necessary. The reason why is because it is safer for you and your family, us and our environment.
Maintenance Spray Service
Maintenance spray services are usually the most effective and economical.
Our maintenance spray service consists of four sprays within the spring, summer and fall months. During the summer months, our chemical will last at least 2 months. Depending on weather conditions it could last longer. The elements: sun, wind and rain will break down the chemical -- the sun being the most damaging due to the UV rays. We don't spray during the winter months because during that time insects are typically dormant, except for the Odorous House Ant.
Winter spraying is only necessary if bug activity is present. To spray in the dormant months when there are no insects present would be a waste of chemical and a waste of your money.
When we do NOT spray the interior is when we have expectant mothers or very young infants (birth to 6 months). State Regulations have no guidelines so we have adopted our own.
If our customers want to forgo our policy, then we require their doctor's written approval for the interior treatment. Exterior applications are not a danger.
We at Angeles Pest Control would rather err on the side of caution when it comes to the health of our clients, especially the tiny ones.
One Time Pest Control Spray Treatment
A one time spray is only done on call. Each spray is charged at a higher rate than if you were on our regular schedule. Once on the schedule, it is more economical to spray you as we are in your area. The spray consists of the exterior along the foundation, under the eaves and inside crack and crevice (only if necessary).
Tap on any of the links following to learn more about specific spray treatments.